Raymond Tan

Booklet page number generator
Generate a page sequence for printing an A5 booklet on a standard A4 duplex printer. Javascript.

Flash Movieclip to Spritesheet Converter
Convert your Flash movieclips to frame-by-frame spritesheets for high performance graphics blitting. Demo
** Note: Adobe has finally implemented this feature in CS6 and above.

AS3Watson - Flash Introspection Tool
AS3 bytecode weaver. Examine and modify properties at run-time in Flash applications programmed in Adobe's latest scripting language - ActionScript 3.0.

AS3Crick - Flash Debugger
Flash debugger written in C# and a Java bridge utilizing Adobe's DJAPI. Examine and modify properties at run-time in Flash applications programmed in Adobe's latest scripting language - ActionScript 3.0.

App Search Plus for Android
Just really fast app search. Not all apps deserve a spot on your homescreen.
But that doesn't mean you should have to hunt for those little app icons in a pinch.
Have access to every single one of your apps. Launch anything you have installed.
Find on Google Play on your mobile device by searching "App Search Plus" in the Play Store. You must include the quotation marks.


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